Saturday, March 16, 2013

Rosa Guillén on Why Linux?

by Guest Writer +Rosa Guillén

When I started six years ago in Linux, I didn't know that not only would my operating system change, but also my life.

I am a basic user of Ubuntu and in these several years I have met many people using Linux, ranging from new user to Distro Developer, to those with their wallpapers or those who created the countdown banners to  those who file [package] a new application.

But, they all had one thing in common and that to me makes Linux great: dedication.

The selfless work, unconditional support and satisfaction of knowing that what you contribute will serve thousands of people without having to pay license fees is satisfying and its own reward.

The feeling of not feeling never just before a problem is important and never felt once. Blogs, Linux, forums and lots of people readily willing to share with you their knowledge is what I found during this time most appealing.

I've also encountered a few radicals (radical about everything), who want to force others to use a specific distro or who despise the work of others.  

This I have never understood, because,  Linux is free and everyone is entitled to make their own individual choice.  We are all in the same boat, no matter if you use FedoraOpenSuse, Ubuntu or any other distro.  We are all on the same side.

I also consider myself most fortunate to live in a country where Linux is given importantance.  Many communities have created their own layouts placing them in public [governmental] bodies (should be more) and in many schools.

Distros like Trisquel (Galicia), Asturix (Asturias), Lliurex (Valencia), Guadalinex(Andalusia), gnuLinEx (Extremadura), and many others, make Spain a country supporting Free Software and that makes me proud.

-- Rosa Guillén

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